To mark the "National Conservation Day 2072",
Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation in coordination with its consortium
partners organized an event on 24th September, 2015. The theme of National
Conservation Day - 2072 emphasized on balanced approach for both nature
conservation as well as disaster management. This day also commemorates the
tragic loss of nation's conservation heroes, who lost their lives in a
helicopter accident on 23 September, 2006.
Rt. Honorable Chief Justice, Kalyan Shrestha inaugurated the
program chaired by Honorable Minister for Forests and Soil Conservation, Mahesh
Acharya. The event followed various programs some of which included
distribution of awards/scholarships, publication launch, shadow play on
conservation and reconstruction, and a documentry showing how earthquake
affected victims have managed to build safer habitat using natural resources.
On this occasion, a book "Birds of Rara" was
launched by Bird Conservation Nepal and DNPWC. The book is a systematic
checklist which provides all the confirmed bird records from Rara (an Important
Bird and Biodiversity Area). The books serves multipurpose that can be useful
for write ups, advocacy and policy makers.
Similarly, under BCN's initiative, Jatayu Research Grant
2015 was announced. The award was handed to Ms. Pushpa Bhandari and Ms. Bijeta
Thapa by honorable minister for Forests and Soil Conservation Mr. Mahesh
Acharya . This scholarship supports university students of Nepal who are
undertaking research on vultures of Nepal as a partial fulfillment of their
masters degree. The scholarships are announced annually and provided to two
deserving candidates.