Bird Conservation Nepal organized a Talk and Interaction
program “ Harmony with Nature for Human Wellbeing “ with Dr. Hum Gurung on 22 May 2020 to celebrate International Day
For Biological Diversity.
The program began with opening remarks by Ishana Thapa, CEO
BCN followed by Dr. Hum Gurung’s presentation.
Dr. Gurung is associated as a
Regional Project Manager, Southeast Asia & Pacific Governance for BirdLife
International. He highlighted the importance of celebrating Biodiversity Day
and shared the things that was considered for this year’s theme “Our Solutions
are in Nature” . He also explained the
work of BirdLife International in conservation of bird and biodiversity
coordinating with people across the globe.
Nature is very important for human wellbeing but the services we receive
from nature are taken for granted. “Ecosystem services means the benefits that
mother nature gives us for free. It is of tremendous value but since this is
for free, we do not care much” said Dr. Gurung while stressing the human
dependency towards nature. After the presentation the session entered to an
interaction and discussion program. Dr. Gurung and Ishana Thapa answered
various queries from various participants that covered issues like nature
conservation challenges during COVID-19 crisis, grassland management crisis and
ecological changes in urban area since the pandemic etc.
An hour and 45 minutes long program saw enthusiastic participation
from more than 100 bird and nature lovers.
Rajendra Gurung, President, BCN Executive Council Board thanked Dr.
Gurung and participants for their time and shared BCN will bring more
interactive web programs in days to come
in his concluding remarks.