8th National Workshop of Nepal Bird Conservation Network (NBCN)
8th National Workshop of Nepal Bird Conservation Network (NBCN)
31 Dec 2024

Bird Conservation Nepal in collaboration with Jatayu Restaurant Management Committee, Pithauli, Nawalparsi East organized a three day long national level workshop of Nepal Bird Conservation Network (NBCN) members at Nana Jungle Resort, Amaltari, Nawalparasi East from 29-31 December 2024. The workshop was organized to enhance the capacity of field-based local conservation groups in bird and biodiversity conservation and monitoring. The workshop also focused on collecting feedback from all the participating local conservation groups and discussed new insights and perspectives for preparing annual plan for bird and its habitat conservation. The workshop chaired by Mr. D.B Chaudhary, President, Jatayu Restaurant Management Committee, was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Babu Ram Bishwokarma, Chairman, District Co-ordination Committee, Nawalparasi East. Furthermore, Ms. Ishana Thapa, Chief Executive Officer of BCN presented on "Role of Nepal Bird Conservation Network in conservation of Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas" and Mr. Khadananda Paudel, Senior Program Manager of BCN presented on "Sustainable Conservation: Case studies and the role of local community groups". The workshop carried on with presentations from staffs of BCN and representatives of local conservation groups along with a group discussion session.

33 Local conservation groups working on birds and biodiversity representing 21 IBAs participated in the workshop. The workshop agreed on following resolution for the year 2025.

•   Coordinate with local, provincial and federal governments for financial and physical aids to conserve birds and biodiversity,

•   Take initiative to include conservation education in local level curriculums and carry out innovative awareness programs to conserve birds and biodiversity,

•   Control illegal trade, poaching and hunting of birds and biodiversity,

•   Control forest-fires, carry out plantation (bird-friendly) and conserve birds' habitats,

•   Raise awareness and advocacy to make development projects more bird friendly.