BCN celebrates 42nd Annual General Meeting with newly elected Executive Council
BCN celebrates 42nd Annual General Meeting with newly elected Executive Council
28 Dec 2024

Bird Conservation Nepal (BCN) celebrated its 42nd annual general meeting (AGM) successfully on 28th December 2024 at Amrapali Banquet, Naxal, Kathmandu. The event, chaired by Mr. Vimal Kumar Thapa, Vice-president of BCN Executive Council, hosted Mr. Bed Kumar Dhakal, Deputy Director General of Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation as chief guest of the event. Other guests who graced the event include Dr. Narendra Man Babu Pradhan, Country Representative IUCN Nepal, Dr. Ghana Shyam Gurung, Country Representative WWF Nepal and Mr. Uttam Kayastha, Patron member of BCN. The event was decorated with the participation of valuable advisors, patron members, executive council members, life members, general members, student members, and media personnel.

The event also awarded Nepal Bird Conservation Network (NBCN) Grant worth NRs. 1 Lakh to two LCG groups: Golden Valley Community Learning Center, Ilam and Jatayu Restaurant Lalmatiya, Kalika CFUG, Dang for their significant contribution in bird and biodiversity conservation. Likewise, Jatayu Research Scholarship worth NRs. 35,000 was awarded to two university students Ms. Surakchhya Pokharel and Mr. Sarbesh Singh Mahara to assist their research in vultures. The event also honored the persons who recorded new species for Nepal in the past one year: Firethroat (Suchit Basnet and Badri Chaudhary), Lesser Grey Shrike (Dev Raj Joshi), White-cheeked Starling (Shankar Tiwari), Spotted Flycatcher (Sanjay Tha Shrestha and Shankar Tiwari) and Naumann's Thrush (Shankar Tiwari). Through the event, BCN also welcomed Mr. Dipak Kumar Singh as new Patron member.

The discussion session of the AGM began with presentation on BCN's annual progress report from Mr. Ashok Bahadur Malla, General Secretary, BCN Executive Council followed by BCN's annual financial report from Mr. Raj Kumar Rai, Treasurer, BCN Executive Council. The queries on various issues raised by participants were addressed by Mr. Vimal Kumar Thapa, Vice-president, BCN Executive Council and Ms. Ishana Thapa, CEO of BCN. The 42nd AGM also elected new executive council for the coming three years. Election officer Senior Advocate Mr. Hum Raj Nepal announced the name of elected candidates to the AGM. The elected candidates were:

President                     Mr. Vimal Kumar Thapa

Vice-president             Ms. Sarita Jnwali

Secretary                     Mr. Ashok Bahadur Malla

Vice-Secretary            Prof. Dr. Prem Bahadur Budha

Treasurer                     Mr. Sudarson Karki

Member                      Mr. Jaya Nath Bhandari

Member                      Mr. Deepak Shrestha

Member                      Er. Mahesh Prasad Pandey

Member                      Ms. Ganga Devi Gurung

Member                      Mr. Prem Thapa

Member                      Mr. Dikpal Krishna Karmacharya

In the closing remarks, the newly elected president of Executive Council Mr. Thapa urged all the bird lovers, researchers and conservationists to keep continuing the journey towards birds and biodiversity conservation and supporting BCN in the coming days too. He also expressed his and BCN's gratitude towards all the guests, participants, members and well-wishers.