Home Stay And Animal Husbandry Training In Ghachowk
Home Stay And Animal Husbandry Training In Ghachowk
20 Dec 2012

BCN organised Home stay Mangement and Hospitality Training from 14 to 18 December 2012 and Animal Husbandry Training from 16 to 18 December 2012 in Ghachowk. 24 participants participated five days long Homestay Management and Hospitality training in which there were given theoretical as well as practical classes on how to run homestay and prepare food for guests with available organic products in the village. Likewise, 81 participants were taught to take care about cattle, importance of raring cattle and ways to increase milk production in the three days long animal husbandry training.

Participants formed Danphe Munal Community Homestay Group and have already started homestay in their home. Also five animal husbandry group have been formed which are working on milk production of the area and increase there income.