An interaction program was jointly organized by BCN, Nepal
Para veterinary and Livestock Association (NEVLA) district committee at
Kapilabastu on 2nd December, 2013. Altogether 18 participants participated in
the program. Vet practitioners who participated in the program committed
support in stopping illegal use of diclofenac and help save vultures.
BCN and Adheri Chharchhare community forest jointly
organised an interaction program atMadanpokhara, Palpa on 3 December, 2013.
Altogether 129 individuals actively participated in the interaction program.
BCN and Janapriya Community Forest User Group (CFUG) jointly
organized awareness program atGobardiya, Dang on 6 December 2013. Altogether 32
participants including members of Janapriya CFUG and other CFUG in the area,
members of local youth clubs, farmers, teachers, school students and local
community people participated in the program.
BCN joined hand with Narti Community Forests’ coordination
committee, Dang, Kalika Community Forest User Group, Dang and Uchanimbu
Community Forest User Group, Dang to organize awareness program at Satbariya,
Dang on 7 December 2013. Altogether 23 participants including members of local
youth clubs, farmers, teachers, school students and local community people were
participated in the program
Likewise District Livestock Service Office, Dang and BCN’s
local partner at Dang - Environmental Sustainable and Development Centrejointly
organised one day interaction workshop with vet community at District Livestock
Service Office, Dang on 18 December, 2013. Veterinary Practitioners and owners
of Veterinary Pharmacies in Dang district participated in the program.
Altogether 28 participants used the forum to discuss on urgent need to stop use
of diclofenac and conserve vultures.
BCN and Beli Community Forest User Group (CFUG) jointly
organized one day interaction program atBeli, Kailali on 18 December 2013.
Altogether 27 participants including members of Beli CFUG, members of local
youth clubs, farmers, teachers, school students and local community people
participated in the program.
BCN in collaboration with ESDRC Dang organized community
awareness program at Rampur, Dang on 20 December, 2013. Altogether 160 local
people participated in the program where the general assembly of six women
saving and credit co-operatives groups. Huge interaction with community people
during the program helped to explore a new nesting site of White-rumped Vulture
in another area where 14 active nests were recorded.
BCN and Nature Guide Association of Suklaphantajointly
organized awareness program at Pipladi,Kanchanpur on 20 December 2013.
Altogether 36 participants including members of Nature Guide Association of
Suklaphanta, members of Suklaphanta Trishakti Buffer Zone Resource Center
members of local youth clubs, farmers, teachers, school students and local
community people were participated in the program.
One day interaction program was organized at Bhajani, on 22
December 2013. Altogether 43 participants representing 23 Community Forest User
Groups (CFUGs) were present in the program.