https://birdlifenepal.org/public/uploads/Sustainable management of wetlands and grasslands: enhancing biodiversity and livelihoods

Sustainable management of wetlands and grasslands: enhancing biodiversity and livelihoods

Darwin Initiative Project Information

Bird Conservation and livelihood support project in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (2022-2025)

This project is funded by the UK Government through Darwin initiative and is being implemented in Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (KTWR), an Important Bird and Biodiversity Area (IBA) and important habitat for grassland and wetland dependent bird species. A total of 526 bird species has been recorded in the area out of which 26 are globally threatened species. Regular monitoring of the bird species indicates signs of decline in water bird populations in KTWR. Additionally, the region also harbours Bengal Floricans, the species under grave threat of extinction. Moreover, local communities living close to KTWR are dependent on natural resources for their livelihoods and use natural resources unsustainably. Therefore, the project aims to reduce pressure on natural resources of KTWR ultimately reducing threats to threatened birds through sustainable use of resources, improved management and restoration of wetlands and grasslands. Moreover, the project aims to improve well-being of local communities through sustainable use of wetlands and grasslands; nature-based income generation activities and empowering women and indigenous people in project area.

Some of the expected outcomes from this project are:

·     Threats to threatened bird species in KTWR and its buffer zone reduced through improved management of grassland and wetlands inside the reserve, restoring grasslands and restoring wetlands in buffer zone area.


·     Capability and capacity of KTWR staffs, buffer zone community forest user committee members, local conservation group/NGOs members on managing grassland and wetland for creating safer habitats enhanced.


·      Sustainable livelihood enhancement program in place to support local communities' well-being as for example one household one fishpond program, women entrepreneurship, community-managed grasslands and wetlands.


·      Sustainable use of natural resources promoted through involvement of women, indigenous people and local communities in decision-making processes.