Bird Conservation Nepal in coordination with Vulture
Conservation Management Committee, Ghachowk organized a final evaluation
workshop of the project funded by Rufford Small Grants Foundation at Ghachowk,
Kaski on 28th July 2013. Districts level stakeholders including district and
local level government line agencies, hotel entrepreneurs and trekking agencies
from Pokhara and local level community-based organizations from Ghavhowk were
participated in the programme.
Sixty eight participants representing District Education
Office- Kaski, District Livestock Office-Kaski, Village Development
Committee-Ghachowk, Trekking agencies and hotel entrepreneurs from Pokhara,
Vulture Conservation Management Committee-Ghachowk, and media personneland Bird
Conservation Nepal used the opportunity to discuss on the achievements and
areas of improvement while implementing the project “Strengthening Capacity of
Local Institutions for the promotion of Eco-tourism in Ghachowk”.
Mr. Khadananda Paudel, Vulture Conservation Officer at BCN
and Mr. Bhupal Nepali, Field Officer at BCN explained the overall scenario of
vulture conservation in Nepal linking up with need of sustaining these works
and the activities accomplished by this project. Mr. Dilli Ram Luitel, District
Education Officer, Kaski on his speech focused on need of more conservation
education and awareness in the project area. Mr. Shanti Prasad Gautam,
Secretary at Village Development Committee focused on need of an integrated
effort from local level to conserve vultures and also committed to support the
work in future too. Mr. Basanta Dawadi, Vice-President of Pokhara Tourism
Councial and Narayan Prasad Sapkota, President of Trekking Association of Nepal
(TAN) emphasized on need of tourism promotion for the sustainability of vulture
conservation works in the area and also showed their commitment to support for
the tourism promotion work. Participants from Community based organizations at
project site emphasized on need of more supports on income generation
activities and much awareness campaigns to conserve nature and promote tourism
in the area. Mr. Rajendra Gurung,
Executive Board Member at BCN and Mrs. Ishana Thapa, Senior Conservation
Officer, the team members of the evaluation committee of this project grouped
the participants into four groups and discussed in each group. Mr. Ravi Prasad
Pokharel, Secretary at Vulture Conservation Management Committee, Ghachowk
conducted the programme and Mr. Kranti Raman Pokharel, Community Service Officer
at BCN welcomed the participants.